

Up and down the level of abstraction
author:Sworduo    date:Feb 26, Tue, 2019 



What do we mean when say X is more abstract than Y? First, that X does not introduce anything new or fundamentally different from Y. In fact, X may remove some aspects of Y or present them in a way that makes them more manageable. Second, that X is in some sense easier to grasp than Y, assuming that the things that X removed from Y are not important to the matter at hand.


A system model


  • run concurrently on independent nodes【任务可以在各个独立节点上并发执行】
  • are connected by a network that may introduce nondeterminism and message loss【节点之间通过网络互连,这可能会造成信息丢失和不确定性】
  • and have no shared memory or shared clock【不共享内存和时钟】
  • each node executes a program concurrently【每个节点都并发执行】
  • knowledge is local: nodes have fast access only to their local state, and any information about global state is potentially out of date 【每个节点只知道自己节点上的信息】
  • nodes can fail and recover from failure independently 【每个节点失败和恢复都是独立的】
  • messages can be delayed or lost (independent of node failure; it is not easy to distinguish network failure and node failure) 【通信是不可靠的】
  • and clocks are not synchronized across nodes (local timestamps do not correspond to the global real time order, which cannot be easily observed)【时钟不同步】

    System model:a set of assumptions about the environment and facilities on which a distributed system is implemented

简单的说,系统模式就是实现分布式系统的环境和工具所依赖的一系列假设。系统模型中还定义了关于environment and facilities的假设,这些假设包括:

  • what capabilities the nodes have and how they may fail 【每个节点能力和失败方式】
  • how communication links operate and how they may fail and 【节点间通信方式和失败方式】
  • properties of the overall system, such as assumptions about time and order【整个系统属性:如时序】
    下面具体介绍nodes的属性以及links and time and order。

Nodes in our system model


  • the ability to execute a program【执行程序】
  • the ability to store data into volatile memory (which can be lost upon failure) and into stable state (which can be read after a failure)【在不稳定的内存中存储信息的能力,以及恢复正常的能力】
  • a clock (which may or may not be assumed to be accurate)【时钟】
    有许多可能的failure model,一种是crash-recovery failure model,指的是系统只能因为崩溃而拒绝提供服务,并且能在崩溃后自动恢复。另一种是Byzantine fault tolerance,这是现实生活中几乎不会遇到的模型,因为其允许出现随机的错误,显然这种系统非常作,很难伺候。


Timing / ordering assumptions


  • Synchronous system: model Processes execute in lock-step; there is a known upper bound on message transmission delay; each process has an accurate clock
  • Asynchronous system:model No timing assumptions - e.g. processes execute at independent rates; there is no bound on message transmission delay; useful clocks do not exist

The consensus problem


  • whether or not network partitions are included in the failure model, and【网络分区是否考虑在模型中】
  • synchronous vs. asynchronous timing assumptions【同/异步】
  • Agreement: Every correct process must agree on the same value.【节点内容一致】
  • Integrity: Every correct process decides at most one value, and if it decides some value, then it must have been proposed by some process.【不太懂说啥,意思可能是值和机器直接有对应关系】
  • Termination: All processes eventually reach a decision.【所有节点最终会达成一致】
  • Validity: If all correct processes propose the same value V, then all correct processes decide V.【所有节点观点一致时,其所作出的决定就是有效的】

Two impossibility results

什么是impossibility results:

A proof of impossibility, also known as negative proof, proof of an impossibility theorem, or negative result, is a proof demonstrating that a particular problem cannot be solved, or cannot be solved in general. Often proofs of impossibility have put to rest decades or centuries of work attempting to find a solution. To prove that something is impossible is usually much harder than the opposite task; it is necessary to develop a theory. Impossibility theorems are usually expressible as universal propositions in logic (see universal quantification).


The CAP theorem


  • Consistency: all nodes see the same data at the same time.(一致性)
  • Availability: node failures do not prevent survivors from continuing to operate.(可用性)
  • Partition tolerance: the system continues to operate despite message loss due to network and/or node failure(分区容忍性)



  • CA (consistency + availability). Examples include full strict quorum protocols, such as two-phase commit.
  • CP (consistency + partition tolerance). Examples include majority quorum protocols in which minority partitions are unavailable such as Paxos.
  • AP (availability + partition tolerance). Examples include protocols using conflict resolution, such as Dynamo.
  • A CA system does not distinguish between node failures and network failures, and hence must stop accepting writes everywhere to avoid introducing divergence (multiple copies). It cannot tell whether a remote node is down, or whether just the network connection is down: so the only safe thing is to stop accepting writes.【不能区分网络分区和节点失败,因此必须停止写入避免引入不一致】
  • A CP system prevents divergence (e.g. maintains single-copy consistency) by forcing asymmetric behavior on the two sides of the partition. It only keeps the majority partition around, and requires the minority partition to become unavailable (e.g. stop accepting writes), which retains a degree of availability (the majority partition) and still ensures single-copy consistency.【即使网络分区了,大多数节点的一方还是能够提供服务】
    CP系统因为将网络分区考虑到了failure model中,因此能够通过类似Paxos, Raft 的协议来区分a majority partition and a minority partition
    CA则由于没有考虑网络分区的情况,因此无法知道一个节点不响应式因为节点收不到消息还是节点失败了,因此只能够通过停止服务来防止出现数据一致,在CA中由于不能保证网络可靠性,因此通过使用two-phase commit algorithm来保证数据一致性。
  • First, that many system designs used in early distributed relational database systems did not take into account partition tolerance (e.g. they were CA designs). Partition tolerance is an important property for modern systems, since network partitions become much more likely if the system is geographically distributed (as many large systems are).【早期系统大多没有考虑P,因此是CA系统,但是现代系统,特别是出现异地多主后,必须考虑分区了】
  • Second, that there is a tension between strong consistency and high availability during network partitions. The CAP theorem is an illustration of the tradeoffs that occur between strong guarantees and distributed computation.【P既然无法避免,我们只能在C和A之间做选择,有时候我们可以通过降低数据的一致性模型,不再追求强一致,从而达到”CAP”】
  • Third, that there is a tension between strong consistency and performance in normal operation.【当一个操作涉及的消息数和节点的数少的时候,延迟自然就低,但是这也意味着有些节点不会被经常访问,意味着数据会是旧数据】
  • Fourth - and somewhat indirectly - that if we do not want to give up availability during a network partition, then we need to explore whether consistency models other than strong consistency are workable for our purposes.【有时候3选2可能是误解,我们如果将自己不限制在强一致性模型,我们会有更多的选择】

    ACID consistency != CAP consistency != Oatmeal consistency


Consistency model:a contract between programmer and system, wherein the system guarantees that if the programmer follows some specific rules, the results of operations on the data store will be predictable


Strong consistency vs. other consistency models

  • Strong consistency models (capable of maintaining a single copy)
    • Linearizable consistency
    • Sequential consistency
  • Weak consistency models (not strong)
    • Client-centric consistency models
    • Causal consistency: strongest model available
    • Eventual consistency models

Strong consistency models


  • Linearizable consistency: Under linearizable consistency, all operations appear to have executed atomically in an order that is consistent with the global real-time ordering of operations. (Herlihy & Wing, 1991)
  • Sequential consistency: Under sequential consistency, all operations appear to have executed atomically in some order that is consistent with the order seen at individual nodes and that is equal at all nodes. (Lamport, 1979)
    两者的最大不同是:linearizable consistency要求操作的结果要和操作实际执行的顺序一致,而Sequential consistency则允许操作实际发生的顺序和操作产生结果的顺序不同,只要每个节点看到的顺序是一样的就行。两者之间的差别基本上可以忽略。

Client-centric consistency models


Eventual consistency


  • First, how long is “eventually”? It would be useful to have a strict lower bound, or at least some idea of how long it typically takes for the system to converge to the same value【最终一致,这个最终是多久?我们需要有个下限,或者至少是一个平均值】
  • Second, how do the replicas agree on a value? 【多个副本怎么达成一致?】
    因此,在谈论最终一致的时候,我们需要知道这可能是:”eventually last-writer-wins, and read-the-latest-observed-value in the meantime”



发布时间:2019年03月06日 - 16:03

最后更新:2019年06月22日 - 19:06


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